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SOCIAL MEDIA LOL Ironically, instead of making us more socially connected, it drift us further away from one another. Terms of Use Privacy policy Feedback Advertise with Us Copyright © 2003-2020 Farlex, Inc Disclaimer All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional.

This funpanrom is not up to that level compared to old one. Free advocate helpline number. Advocacy free clip art. Defensor a defensora 1 (protector) [de territorio, intereses] defender; [de causa, idea, derechos] defender; champion mi pastor alemán es un defensor feroz my Alsatian is a fierce guard dog un defensor de los derechos humanos un defensor de la democracia se ha convertido en el defensor de los derechos de los tibetanos es un firme defensor de la integración de las distintas etnias del país el defensor de la teoría económica de Reagan era el hombre mejor colocado en las primarias para gobernador es un defensor de la teoría de que el declive del rugby en Gales está directamente relacionado con la reconversión industrial defensor(a) del cliente defensor(a) del lector La periodista Soledad Gallego-Díaz ha sido nombrada [Defensora del Lector] de El País por el director del periódico. defensor(a) del pueblo ombudsman 2 (Jur) defence lawyer; defense attorney o lawyer; (EEUU) el defensor interrogó al testigo counsel for the defence o defending counsel cross-examined the witness 3 (Dep) [de título] defender el defensor del título de liga adjective 1 (protector) una asociación defensora de los derechos de los marginados an organization which defends o protects the rights of the underprivileged; una organización defensora de los derechos civiles a civil rights organization 2 (Jur) abogado defensor defence lawyer; defense attorney o lawyer; (EEUU).

Free advocate advice. Advocate free advice. Credits Cinematographer Adele Hinkley Producer Rachel Schmidt & Lee K. Toepfer Awards & Festivals Winner: Festival Winner, Columbia Gorge International Film Festival 2013 Winner: Silver Screen Award, Nevada Film Festival, 2013 Official Selection: Columbia Gorge International Film Festival 2013 Upcoming Screenings Stay tuned for upcoming screenings! In Production A look into the lives of defenders in the resistance who struggle to reclaim their ancestral lands and seek justice for human rights violations. Synopsis Defensora is a documentary about a Mayan Q'eqchi' resistance against mining in Guatemala. The story is set along the shores of Lake Izabal in the community of El Estor where a nickel mining company has operated for over 50 years. Tensions run high against a backdrop of pro and anti-mining camps, violence and forced evictions. The film takes audiences into the lives of defenders in the resistance who struggle to reclaim their ancestral lands and seek justice in Canadian courts for alleged human rights violations.

Advocate free public education. Como resultad o, a Defensoria P�blica t e m um conhecimento [... ] inigual�vel do sistema e goza de um alto grau de confian�a por parte dos jovens internos. A s a r esu lt, public defenders ' k now ledge o f the [... ] system is unparalleled, and they enjoy a high degree of trust from detained youths. O Minist�rio da Justi�a considere o [... ] recrutamento de mais Defensores P�blicos, de forma a contribu�r para minimizar a presente carga [... ] de processo s n a Defensoria P�blica. The Ministry of Justice consider recruiting more Publi c Defenders i n order to help minimize current caseloads in the O ffic e of Public Defenders. A Defensoria P�blica t e m por fun��o a presta��o de assist�ncia [... ] jur�dica, integral e gratuita, judicial e extra-judicial, [... ] aos cidad�os mais necessitados. The function of the Of fice of th e Public Defender is to deli ve r full [... ] legal, judicial and extra-judicial assistance, free [... ] of charge, to citizens most in need. Os atrasos cr�nicos na condu��o dos julgamentos, a falta de recursos pa ra a Defensoria P�blica, a c orrup��o [... ] dentro do sistema penal e as atitudes [... ] preconceituosas por parte de alguns policiais, ju�zes e promotores p�blicos requerem reformas mais profundas. Chronic delays in the conduct of trials, lack of resources for th e Defe nsor ia P�blica, c orru ptio n within [... ] the penal system and prejudicial attitudes [... ] on the part of some police, judges and public prosecutors require more deep-seated reform. No processo de selec��o dos candidatos aplicam-se, com as devidas adapta��es, as normas dos artigos 8� a 11� do DecretoLei n� 15/2004, de 1 de Setembro, sobre o recrutamento e forma��o [... ] para as carreiras profissionais da magistratura e d a defensoria p�blica, s en do admitidos [... ] � frequ�ncia do curso os candidatos [... ] melhor classificados, at� ao n�mero de lugares fixados nos termos do artigo 7�. The norms contained in articles 8 to 11 of Decree- Law no. 15/2004 of 1 September on the Recruitment and Training for [... ] Professionals of the Judiciary and of the O ff ice o f t he Public Defender sha ll be a pplied, [... ] mutatis mutandis, to the candidates [... ] selection process and, based on the number of available seats pursuant to article 7, the best classified candidates shall be admitted for attending the course. Tutela tamb�m organismos como a Direc��o Nacional de Terras e [... ] Propriedades, a Direc��o de Registos e Notariad o, a Defensoria P�blica e o Centro de [... ] Forma��o Jur�dica, e ainda a Direc��o [... ] de Servi�os Prisionais e Reinser��o Social. It is also responsible for other Departments like the [... ] Directorate of Land and Property, Registrie s and N ota ry, Public Cou nci l's O ff ice, the [... ] Center for Law Studies and the Directorate [... ] of Prison Services and Social Rehabilitation. Roberto Tena, representado pe l a Defensoria P�blica d a U ni�o, apresentou [... ] contesta��o, alegando a nulidade da cita��o por [... ] edital e a irregularidade da cita��o no processo que tramitou perante o ju�zo paraguaio. represented by th e Defensoria P �b lica da Uni�o, [... ] presented contestation, claiming the invalidity of the summons [... ] by edictal and irregularity of citation in proceedings before the paraguayan judgment. Em 9 de dezembro a Cepia encerrou o Curso de [... ] Direitos Humanos das Mulheres, realizado em uma parceria muito produtiva e importante c om a Defensoria P�blica d o E stado. In December 9th Cepia ended up the Course [... ] of Human Rights of Women, carried through a productive and very important partne rs hip w ith th e Public D efe nso ry of S tate. Contudo, levantaram-se quest�es importantes durante a audi�ncia sobre a capacidad e d a Defensoria P�blica p a ra defender os [... ] seus clientes. However, serious questions arose during the hearing r eg ardin g t he public defenders ' o ffice 's ability [... ] to defend its clients. O estado sulino de Santa Catarina ainda n�o estabeleceu a s u a Defensoria P�blica. T he southern sta te of Santa Catarina still has not established a Defensori a P�blica. 3. 56 A Defensoria P�blica t a mb �m est� reivindicando, tanto em um processo no STF quanto atrav�s de lobby no Congresso, uma expans�o do seu papel e dos seus poderes, de modo que possa assumir casos de "interesse p�blico" [... ] [... ] de maneira similar ao Minist�rio P�blico. Defensoria P� blica is also arguing, both in a case at STF and through lobbying Congress, for an expansion of its role and powers so that it can take 'public interest' cases on a similar basis to Minist�rio P�blico. Na ocasi�o da publica��o deste relat�rio, havia um processo em andamento no STF ent re a Defensoria P�blica e a OAB em S�o Paulo. At the time of publication of this report there was an ongoing case at the S TF betw een Defensoria P�blica and OAB in S�o Paulo. Se o r�u n�o pode pagar um advogado particular, o juiz dever� encaminhar o ca so � Defensoria P�blica, u m �rg�o profissionalmente [... ] estruturado, cujo papel [... ] est� previsto na Constitui��o atual. If a defendant cannot afford a private lawyer, the [... ] court should send the case to Defensoria P�b li ca, (the Public Defenders Of fic e) a pr ofessionally [... ] structured agency, whose role [... ] in provided for in the current Constitution. Melhorar a coordena��o do sector, assegurando que as suas institui��es possuem uma perspectiva clara de como interagem e se complementam e alargando a composi��o do Conselho de Coordena��o a [... ] outras entidades relevantes do sector da Just i� a ( Defensoria P�blica, A dv ogados Privados [... ] e Pol�cia de investiga��o criminal) Improving the coordination of the sector, ensuring that its institutions are fully aware of how they interact with, and complement, each other, and extending the composition of the Council of Coordination to other [... ] relevant entities within the justic e sector (Of fice of th e Public Defender, priv ate la wyers [... ] and criminal investigation Police) Rever, quando for oportuno, o estatuto constitucional-lega l d a Defensoria P�blica t e nd o em vista [... ] refor�ar a sua independ�ncia e autonomia. Revising, when appropriate, the legal and constitutional status of the Of fice of th e Public D ef ender with a view [... ] to reinforce its independence and autonomy. Institui uma rede de prote��o composta de Juizados espec�ficos, n�cleo s d e defensoria p�blica, c en tros de atendimento [... ] psico-social e jur�dico, casas [... ] abrigo, delegacias especializadas, centros de per�cia m�dicolegal, centros de educa��o e reabilita��o para os agressores e redes de apoio, entre outras medidas. A net of pretection composed with specific courts, nucl ei o f public defenders, c ent rers of psico-social [... ] and legal attendance, houses [... ] shelter, police stations specialized, centrers of doctor-legal skill, centres of education and rehabilitation for aggressors and nets of support, among others measures of protection. A Pol�cia Federal, o Minist�rio P�blico Estadual (MPE), a Defensoria P�blica E s ta dual e o Poder Judici�rio Estadual [... ] de Rond�nia atuaram [... ] em coordena��o para acelerar o in�cio dos procedimentos judiciais e a destina��o das madeiras apreendidas. The Federal Police, the Rond�nia S ta te Public Pr os ecutor's Office (MPE), the S ta te Pub lic Defender's Off ice ( De fensoria [... ] P�blica) and the state [... ] court coordinated their efforts so as to hasten the legal proceedings and determine the destination of the seized timber. O JSMP notou um pequeno n�mero de documentos, na sua maiori a d a Defensoria P�blica q u e foram escritos [... ] em Portugu�s. JSMP noticed that a small number of documents, predominant ly fro m th e Public Defenders we re in P ortuguese. A Constitui��o especifica q ue a Defensoria P�blica s e r� independente do Estado brasileiro, o que implica que ela deve ser financeira e administrativamente aut�noma; contud o, a Defensoria P�blica � um a organiza��o muito menor e mais fraca do que o Minist�rio P�blico, com o qual � frequentemente [... ] comparada. The Constitution specifies that the office shall be independent of the Brazilian state, wh ic h implies t ha t it should be financially and administratively autonomous; howeve r, Defensoria P� blica is a much smaller and weaker organisation than Minist�rio P�blico, with which it is often compared. Em resposta a uma consult a d a Defensoria P�blica, o d iretor do CAI-Baixada [... ] relatou em janeiro de 2005 que seu centro contava com 55 agentes. In response to an in qu iry f rom th e public d efender's o ffi ce, t he director [... ] of CAI-Baixada reported in January 2005 that his center had fifty-five guards. A Defensoria P�blica p r es ta assist�ncia [... ] jur�dica tanto em processos civis quanto criminais, e muitos dos seus escrit�rios [... ] t�m unidades especializadas em lidar com direitos do consumidor e com os direitos das mulheres, das crian�as e dos idosos. Defensoria P�blica provides legal assistance in civi l as well as c riminal cases [... ] and many of its offices have specialist [... ] units dealing with consumers' rights, and the rights of women, children and the elderly. Como observado pelo Relator Especial das Na��es Unidas, Leandro Despouy, "um pa�s no qual mais da metade da popula��o (70 milh�es de pessoas) vive abaixo da linha da pobreza [... ] e no qual h� desigualdades gritantes precisa q ue a Defensoria P�blica s e ja mais din�mica [... ] do que a atual, que � bastante limitada, embora louv�vel. As the UN Special Rapporteur Leandro Despouy has noted, 'a country in which over half the population (70 million people) lives below the poverty line and in which [... ] there are glaring inequalities needs the Of fice of th e Public D efender t o b e mor e dynamic [... ] than the rather limited, though commendable, present one A CEPIA, em parceria c om a Defensoria P�blica d o R io de Janeiro, [... ] est� organizando o terceiro curso de direitos humanos das [... ] mulheres no �mbito do Programa Internacional de Forma��o e Capacita��o em Direitos Humanos das Mulheres que ser� realizado entre novembro e dezembro. CEPIA, in partner sh ip wi th th e Public D ef ens ory o f Rio De [... ] Janeiro, is organizing the third International Program of Formation [... ] and Qualification of Women? s Human Rights course that will be held between November and December. A Defensoria P�blica � o �rg�o constitucionalmente incumbido de prestar assist�ncia jur�dica gratuita �queles que dela necessitam, e o Instituto de Direitos Humanos (Human Rights Institute) da International Bar Association ap�ia firmemente os apelos que t�m sido [... ] feitos para que esta seja refor�ada. Defensoria P�blica is the body constitutionally-mandated to provide free legal assistance to those who need it, and the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute strongly endorses the repeated calls that have been made for this to be strengthened. A Defensoria P�blica j � t entou preencher a lacuna, movendo a��es civis p�blicas em [... ] nome dos jovens internos, em cada um [... ] dos cinco centros de interna��o, por�m os ju�zes v�m questionando sua compet�ncia para mover tais a��es. T he public defender's of fice ha s tried to fill the gap, f iling public civil a ctions [... ] on behalf of youths in each of the five [... ] detention centers, but judges have questioned their standing to bring such actions. A Defensoria P�blica r e al ize uma coordena��o central dos Defensores P�blicos a trabalharem [... ] nos Distritos, inclu�ndo o desenvolvimento [... ] de um sistema de gest�o central dos processos. T he Public Defenders Off ic e should centrally coordinat e the Public Defenders wor ki ng in [... ] the Districts, including developing [... ] a central case management system. � tamb�m referido o fact o d a Defensoria P�blica n � o ter recebido [... ] o mesmo tratamento constitucional-legal das restantes institui��es [... ] judiciais e que o seu grau de autonomia n�o � o adequado. Reference is also made to the fact that the Of fi ce of th e Public Defender is not y et constitutionally [... ] and legally recognised [... ] in the same way as the other justice institutions, and that its degree of autonomy is inadequate. O Estatut o d a Defensoria P�blica f o i aprovado em Outubro [... ] de 2008 e a institui��o est� a a funcionar nos quatro distritos judiciais. The Statute of the O ff ice o f t he Public Defender w as adopt ed in October [... ] 2008 and the institution operates in the four judicial districts. Foram reabilitadas as Pris�es de Becora e Gleno, constru�das casas para os guardas prisionais, reabilitados os edif�cios dos Tribunais e resid�ncias [... ] para Ju�zes e constru�dos os edif�cios distritai s d a Defensoria P�blica e da PGR em Baucau, [... ] Suai e Oecusse; est� em curso [... ] a constru��o de resid�ncias para defensores e procuradores nos tr�s distritos. The prisons in Becora and Gleno were rehabilitated, new housing was built for the prison officers, court buildings and houses for judges were [... ] also rehabilitated, and the district fac il ities fo r Public Defenders and for th e OPG [... ] in Baucau, Suai and Oecusse were built; [... ] several houses for defenders and prosecutors are also under construction in these three districts. Que o Estado brasileiro Implemen te a Defensoria P�blica d a U ni�o e em todos os Estados da federa��o com estrutura para funcionamento e fortale� a a s defensorias p � bl icas estaduais, [... ] garantindo-lhes autonomia e independ�ncia. That the Brazilian equips all Federate States w it h a Feder al Public De fender's offic e with a working structure and strengthens Public Sta te Defender's [... ] en suring they have autonomy and independence.

Advocate free lsu tickets. En ··· العربية Deutsch English Español Français עברית Italiano 日本語 Nederlands Polski Português Română Русский Türkçe Translation Context Conjugation Synonyms Advertising Spanish Arabic German French Hebrew Italian Japanese Dutch Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Turkish These examples may contain rude words based on your search. These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search. Suggestions La defensora Nikol González se perderá el encuentro por sanción. The team will have to cope without suspended defender Nikol Gonzalez for the final. Davis, la defensora pública, está arreglando tu liberación. Davis, the public defender, is arranging your release. Fui a ver a mi abogada defensora. I went to see my victim's advocate. Soy tu más grande campeona y defensora. I am your greatest champion and advocate. Es una gran defensora del ballet. Siempre he sido ferviente defensora del proyecto de Vitya Sereda. I've always been an ardent supporter of Vitya Sereda's project. Hasta la vista... grandiosa abogada y defensora. So long... great lawyer and advocate. Stacey continúa siendo una defensora de los niños desfavorecidos aún día. Stacey continues to be an advocate for underprivileged children today. Creo que debo renunciar como defensora especial de Erdogan. I think I should resign as special advocate for Farroukh Erdogan. Se dice que algunos funcionarios ejecutivos del MI5 responderán preguntas de la defensora especial Claudia Simmons-Howe. As such, rumor has it, some quite senior members of Ml5 will be facing questions from Mr. Erdogan's special advocate, Claudia Simmons-Howe. Sobre como tú y la defensora especial se comunicaban frecuentemente. About how you and the Special Advocate were in frequent communication. Ella es y ha sido vuestra defensora. She is and has been your advocate. La víctima es Karen Rivas, la defensora de los desamparados. Victim's Karen Rivas, the homeless advocate. Ella es y ha sido la defensora de Uds... Siempre he sido, y seguiré siendo tu mejor defensora. I have always been and will continue to be your strongest advocate. Leonard y su defensora pública lo dijeron en el juicio. Leonard and his public defender said so on the stand. Fui nombrada por el Fiscal General como su defensora especial. I have been appointed by the Attorney General to be your special advocate. Y la defensora de familia conoce su trabajo. And the family advocate knows her job. Las minorías de todo el mundo tienen la mejor defensora posible. Minorities around the world could find no better advocate. Aun la defensora más ardiente necesita comer. Even the most ardent advocate needs to eat. No results found for this meaning. Results: 2955. Exact: 2955. Elapsed time: 39 ms. Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900, More Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200, More Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200, More Developed by Prompsit Language Engineering for Softissimo.

Salut hai dil se paji aap ko Jai hind 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳. Advocate freedom. La aplicacin mvil de la Defensora de los Habitantes se desarroll con el fin de dotar a la poblacin costarricense de una herramienta sencilla y de fcil acceso para interponer denuncias y mediante el cual pueda tener un mayor acercamiento con la Institucin. Cuenta con informacin relevante sobre los derechos de los costarricenses, el propsito y las oficinas de la Institucin. License Free Version 1. 1. 13 Operating System iOS System Requirements Requires iOS 9. 0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.


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Advocacy free. Free student advocate. Advocate free toll. Advocate free college. Tax advocate free. Advocate free barrister. Just dont get into the trouble be good. Taxpayer advocate free. Advocate free online. Advocate free web site. Free advocate. Advocate free ads. The devil's advocate full movie free. Impractical jokers in tamil ah... 😂😂😂. For Immediate Release October 10, 2013 “DEFENSORA” PREMIERES ACROSS CANADA Screening Dates Are Announced TORONTO, ON — 6kidsProductions and Girl Edge Films, in partnership with Rights Action, announces the lineup of premiere screenings of Defensora in Ontario, the Maritimes and British Columbia, October 26 - November 1/2013. Defensora documents the historic and on-going land and community defense struggles of Mayan Q’eqchi communities in eastern Guatemala, and their struggle for justice and remedy in Canadian courts against the nickel mining company Hudbay Minerals. Winner of the International John Basham Award, at the 2013 Columbia Gorge International Film Festival, Defensora follows the story of sisters Maria and Angelica Choc, who lead a Mayan Q’eqchi resistance in Guatemala to reclaim ancestral lands and seek justice in Canada for the murder of Angelica’s husband, the shooting-paralyzing of German Choc Chub and the gang rapes of 11 Mayan women. Set along the shores of Lake Izabal, where tensions run high against a backdrop and history of violence, intimidation and forced evictions, the stakes are high for the Mayan Q'eqchi people who risk their lives to protect their lands, speak the truth and seek justice in Canadian courts, and for Hudbay Minerals that continues to deny their allegations. “Defensora is a timely documentary that provides candid insights into the brave struggles of Angélica, German and other Maya Q'eqchi' women and men in El Estor, Guatemala who, faced with the grave harm that Canadian mining operations have brought about, are on the frontline of the battle for justice in Canadian courts. ” (Jen Moore, MiningWatch Canada) SCREENINGS – WHERE AND WHEN. • October 26 in Toronto, Defensora premieres at OISE Auditorium at 7 pm. Sponsored by: Rights Action and Science for Peace. A panel presentation hosted by Rights Action will follow. Guests include Angelica Choc, Producer/Director Rachel Schmidt, Executive Producer Lee K. Toepfer, Klippensteins Barristers and Solicitors, and actress and activist Tantoo Cardinal. In the Maritimes, screenings are sponsored by the Maritimes-Guatemala Breaking the Silence Network and will feature special guest Angelica Choc. Dates and locations include: • October 27 in Halifax, Dalhousie Law School at 7 pm • October 28 in Antigonish, Antigonish Women’s Resource Centre at 7 pm • October 30 in Tatamagouche, Tatamagouche Centre at 7 pm • November 1 in Fredericton, Cinema Politica, Conserver House at 7 pm In British Columbia screening dates and locations include: • October 27 in Vancouver, at Fletcher Challenge Canada Theatre, Rm. 1900 SFU Harbour Centre at 7 pm. Sponsored by: Mining Justice Alliance, Media Democracy - CounterCulture, and SFU Institute for the Humanities. Features a Q&A session with Producer/Director Rachel Schmidt and Grahame Russell, Rights Action. • October 28 in Prince George, at the Canfor Theatre, Rm 6-213 University of Northern British Columbia at 7 pm. Sponsored by: UNBC Geography Program, Prince George Development and Peace, UNBC Guatemala Research Group, and UNBC Department of First Nations Studies. Features a Q&A session with Producer/Director Rachel Schmidt, Grahame Russell, Rights Action and Dr. Catherine Nolin, Associate Professor of Geography UNBC. • October 30 in Victoria, at University of Victoria, David Strong Building, Rm C103 at 7 pm. Sponsored by: UVic Social Justice Studies (SJS) and Mining Justice Action Committee (MJAC). Features a Q&A session with Producer/Director Rachel Schmidt and Grahame Russell, Rights Action. • November 1 in Castlegar, at Brilliant Cultural Centre at 7 pm. Sponsored by: Kootenay Region of the United Nations Branch (KRUNA), Sustainable Mining Alliance of the Kootenays (SMAK), Nelson Amnesty International, Nelson Development and Peace, Nelson Chapter of the Council of Canadians and CMAW Carpenters Local 2300. Features a Q&A session with Producer/Director Rachel Schmidt, Grahame Russell, Rights Action and local activists. CONTACT INFORMATION • For Defensora media interviews and info on the screening in Castlegar contact: Producer/Director - Rachel Schmidt, 250. 608. 0753,,, • Toronto, contact: Rights Action, Grahame Russell,,, • Maritimes, contact: Breaking the Silence Network, Jackie McVicar, • Vancouver, contact: Mining Justice Alliance, Kate Murray, • Victoria, contact: Mining Justice Action Committee, Heather Tufts, • Prince George, contact: University of Northern British Columbia, Catherine Nolin,, ###.

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Columnist - sarmad sultan
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